Action Plan ready to transform Brazil's semi-arid region

Researchers from the XPaths projects proudly present an actionable roadmap for environmental sustainability and social justice in Brazil's semi-arid region. Encompassing over a million square kilometers, this initiative aims to tackle inequality and historical drought challenges, unlocking the immense potential inherent in the region.

The Action Plan emerged from an inclusive co-creation process, uniting representatives from academia, government, private enterprises, and indigenous communities. Through dynamic dialogues and workshops, the XPaths project utilized multi-scale participatory methods and systemic thinking tools to identify key challenges and opportunities unique to the semi-arid landscape.

With the plan now available, the next crucial step is implementation. The success of these four strategic actions relies on the commitment and collaboration of stakeholders from all sectors. The Action Plan not only addresses immediate concerns but also paves the way for a sustainable and just future, aligning with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda.

Read the full report or the summarised booklet to learn more about the transformative vision that could reshape the future of Brazil's semi-arid region. Only available in Portuguese.