XPaths Final Project Report released!

The XPaths project is running towards its end after three years of intense fieldwork and great collaborations. Though, our mission  to spread our insights continues.

Our Final Project Report - Challenges and Solutions to Implement the SDGs in the Drylands - concludes the innovative approach developed by our team, the 3H-CLD (Three Horizons with Casual Loop Diagrams), which is a cornerstone of our strategy designed to integrate SDGs within the context of drylands. Following this, the report presents an in-depth analysis of the project's results, highlighting the challenges and solutions towards achieving the SDGs in each case country and across countries. The document concludes with a reflective overview of our Final Dialogue. 
For further details and to explore the full scope of our project's achievements, we invite you to access the report through the following link:

XPaths stands for “Science in Action: Intersecting Pathways to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across Scales in the Drylands”. With case studies in the arid or semiarid regions of three different countries, Brazil, Senegal and Spain, the project XPaths has the dual goal of (1) advancing the knowledge about the core challenges and solutions to reach sustainable and just futures in the drylands, and (2) co-design strategic action plans based on this understanding. The project also explored how global actors, particularly from the European Union, can better support the achievement of the SDGs in the three case studies. The XPaths project is hosted by the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, with partners in several countries including the University of Almería - UAL  (Spain), Universite Cheikh Anta Diop - UCAD (Senegal), Centre national de la recherche scientifique - CNRS (France), the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), Chalmers University (Sweden) and the Brazilian Institute for Space Research - INPE  (Brazil).  It runs from 2020 to 2025, funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development - FORMAS.